Tony Pan

Modern Hydrogen

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

CEO and Co-founder, Modern Hydrogen. Experience: Member of Global Future Council on Energy of the World Economic Forum. Pro bono consultant on global health, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Global Good Fund. Term Member, Council on Foreign Relations. National fellowships: Hertz, Soros and National Science Foundations. Strategist, Goldman Sachs. BS in Physics, Stanford; PhD in Physics, Harvard University. Named to MIT Technology Review Innovators under 35, Business Journal 40 under 40. Inventor of 250+ patents pending.

Sessions With Tony Pan

Wednesday, 20 March

  • 09:30am - 10:10am (CST) / 20/mar/2024 02:30 pm - 20/mar/2024 03:10 pm

    EIP: Accelerating decentralized, resilient and sustainable energy systems

    Innovation & Technology

    The multidimensional nature of the energy transition is reshaping the global energy system. The need to balance markets, climate and geopolitics is creating more complex systems—requiring greater flexibility and responsiveness in our ability to manage them. What innovations are emerging to meet these needs? What role will new entrants play in managing this complexity? How are financial and regulatory systems adapting to support this transformation? This panel will feature members of the 2024 class of CERAWeek Energy Innovation Pioneers.

  • 04:00pm - 04:30pm (CST) / 20/mar/2024 09:00 pm - 20/mar/2024 09:30 pm

    Modern Hydrogen | Cutting Gas Emissions Without New Infrastructure

    Distributed methane pyrolysis is one of the few decarbonization solutions that can drastically cut emissions without requiring new infrastructure. Tony Pan, Co-Founder and CEO of Modern Hydrogen, details the value of on-site hydrogen production, the advantages compared to electrolysis and how Modern’s modular approach to gas decarbonization represents the best of both worlds for industrial and utility operators in their quest for net zero.