Harry A. Atwater, Jr.

California Institute of Technology

Otis Booth Leadership Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Science

Harry Atwater is the Otis Booth Leadership Chair of the Division of Engineering and Applied Science, and the Howard Hughes Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Science at the California Institute of Technology.  His current research in energy centers on carbon capture and removal, high efficiency photovoltaics, and photoelectrochemical processes for generation of solar fuels.  His research has resulted in world records for solar photovoltaic conversion and photoelectrochemical water splitting. Currently Atwater is the Director for the Liquid Sunlight Alliance (LiSA), a Department of Energy Hub program for solar fuels.  He is also founder of 5 early-stage companies, including Captura, which is developing scalable approaches to carbon dioxide removal from oceanwater, and Alta Devices, which set world records for photovoltaic cell and module efficiency.   Atwater is a Member of US National Academy of Engineering and the National Academy of Inventors, and a Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher.   

Sessions With Harry A. Atwater, Jr.

Tuesday, 19 March

  • 03:30pm - 04:00pm (CST) / 19/mar/2024 08:30 pm - 19/mar/2024 09:00 pm

    Disruptors in Low-carbon Technology

    Innovation & Technology

    A wide range of technologies are being researched by academia or implemented in industry that, if delivered at scale, could significantly impact the economics and sustainability of energy use over the next 10 to 20 years. What pathways are there for innovations in low-carbon fuels, materials, AI,  etc., to change current assertions about the roadmap to net zero? To what extent is there potential for “disruption” in low-carbon solutions? Is the impact of these innovations a function the uniqueness of a new technology, or its scalability, based on markets or human capabilities?


  • 04:30pm - 05:00pm (CST) / 19/mar/2024 09:30 pm - 19/mar/2024 10:00 pm