• March 10 - 14, 2025

Session Details

From Hubs to Demand-Support: Catalyzing the American hydrogen market

Tuesday, 19 March

7:15 am - 8:20 am (CST) / 19/mar/2024 12:15 pm - 19/mar/2024 01:20 pm

The U.S. Department of Energy announced earlier this year the selection of a consortium to help accelerate commercial liftoff of the clean hydrogen economy and support the launch of the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs. The Hydrogen Demand-Side Initiative (H2DI) is actively working to design robust demand-side support measures that will expedite purchases of clean hydrogen produced by H2Hub-affiliated facilities. During the first public discussion since H2DI’s launch, David Crane (U.S. Under Secretary for Infrastructure) and Sec. Ernie Moniz, chairman of the consortium, will discuss: What is the vision for this initiative? What are approaches for driving clean hydrogen market formation? What types of demand-side support should be considered?

Program Type: Executive Conference

Session Type: Strategic Dialogue and Breakfast

Session Speakers
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