• March 10 - 14, 2025

Session Details

University of Oxford | Decarbonizing Fossil Fuels: The Role of Producers in Achieving Net Zero

Tuesday, 19 March

3:30 pm - 4:15 pm (CST) / 19/mar/2024 08:30 pm - 19/mar/2024 09:15 pm

In scenarios that meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, we stop fossil fuels from causing global warming—through safe and permanent disposal of all the carbon dioxide they generate—many decades before the world stops using fossil fuels. What these scenarios don’t say is how to—and who should—make this happen. Join “the physicist behind Net Zero” for a challenging but hopeful exploration of the role and responsibilities of the fossil fuel industry itself, along with its customers, regulators and shareholders, in solving the climate challenge.

Program: Lyceum Program

Session Type: Lyceum Lab

Session Speakers