• March 10 - 14, 2025

Social Media at CERAWeek

Join the conversation

Start connecting on Social Media now!

Start making connections and sharing your thoughts with fellow CERAWeek delegates, speakers, partners, and volunteers by making sure your profiles across Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram are all updated.

If you are a CERAWeek partner, visit our Partner Portal to access key social media resources to help ensure your profiles are optimized and activity engaging.

Where to Stay Updated

Find and follow CERAWeek on LinkedIn and Twitter, two great places to find key connections and pre-event content

Find and follow CERAWeek on LinkedIn and Twitter, two great places to find key connections and pre-event content

  • LinkedIn is a great professional social media tool to help learn more about the connections you’re hoping to make at CERAWeek 2020. By posting and engaging with LinkedIn updates, as well as using their popular blogging tool, you’re able to easily spread your expertise while learning from and connecting with others. 

    Let your connections know you’ll be at #CERAWeek to find out who else you can expect to see from your own network.

    One of LinkedIn’s newer features allows users to both use and, most uniquely, follow key hashtags (#) to stay more connected to the content that’s relevant to you.

  • On Twitter, things tend to happen a lot faster than LinkedIn. If you have constantly evolving thoughts and opinions on a multitude of subjects that you’re hoping to share, Twitter is a great environment for you. 

    Many of our attending partners, speakers, and delegates are active Twitter users and are expert resources to follow today!

    Utilize Twitters List building feature to create concentrated feeds of those you’re hoping to connect with at CERAWeek and follow our #CERAWeek and #CWAgora hashtags to stay connected to the conversation!

Joining the conversation on social media



Our CERAWeek company page on LinkedIn hosts speaker announcements, thought leadership content from our IHS Markit experts, and key resources to get involved in our special programs for CERAWeek 2020. Daily wrap-up videos will be posted throughout the event. Follow us today to start engaging with our updates and connect with key experts across the Energy, Technology, and Mobility spaces. Use our official hashtags to stay connected to the conversation and make your content more discoverable to future connections outside of your network:

  • #CERAWeek 
  • #CWAgora - for all Innovation Agora content 


@CERAWeek is the go-to channel for everything you need to know about CERAWeek, our program, speakers, special programs, and more, year-round. Look out for live tweets from @IHSMarkit, @IHSMarkitEnergy and @IHSMarkitAuto during CERAWeek 2020. 

Use our official hashtags to stay connected to the conversation and for a chance to be featured on our social media display walls throughout the Hilton and GRB during CERAWeek:
  • #CERAWeek 
  • #CWAgora - for all Innovation Agora content 