• March 10 - 14, 2025
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Global leaders, policymakers and executives from across the energy spectrum
CERAWeek 2024 Themes
Multidimensional Energy Transition: Markets, climate, technology and geopolitics
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CERAWeek 2024

CERAWeek 2024 explored strategies for a multidimensional, multispeed and multifuel energy transition. The drive for energy transition is reshaping the competitive landscape for companies and countries – creating new opportunities and risks across the energy value chain. The imperative to reduce emissions has grown in urgency. Yet expectations of a simple linear global transition have been shaken as climate goals compete with concerns over how to deliver economic growth while ensuring energy security, energy access, and affordability. The multidimensional energy transition reflects different realities and timelines by region, technology, industry strategies, the variety of social and political approaches and divergent national priorities in an increasingly multipolar world.


CERAWeek 2024 Featured Speakers

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  • Offering insight into the energy future, the CERAWeek 2024 Podcast series explored what’s ahead for global energy markets, geopolitics, and technology. 

    Hosted by Atul Arya, Chief Energy Strategist at S&P Global, each episode features conversations addressing the defining trends and critical issues that are shaping the energy landscape.

    In the seventh episode, S&P Global experts James R. Burkhard and Shin Kim discuss Navigating Supply, Demand, and Prices: Insights into Global Oil Markets Dynamics.

  • CERAWeek 2024 convened preeminent thought leaders from energy, finance, technology, and governments for shared dialogue on the agenda ahead as the world enters a new era of energy transition. Mark your calendar to join us next March 10-14, 2025!

Unparalleled Thought Leadership

Daniel Yergin
Vice Chairman, S&P Global
Carlos Pascual
Senior Vice President, Geopolitics and International Affairs
Atul Arya
Senior Vice President & Chief Energy Strategist
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